Greenhill 2025: Growing Stronger Together is a strategic plan that reaffirms our commitment to the enduring, fundamental elements of the Greenhill School experience and identifies opportunities for growth and improvement as the School strives to fulfill Fulton’s vision for the next generation of students. This plan, which includes a refined and updated mission statement, vision statement, and set of core values, will propel the school’s quest for excellence, prioritize our students' health and wellness as we educate the whole student, create a more connected community, and help ensure financial sustainability for years to come.
The successful implementation of this plan relies on the continued commitment of our entire community.
Lee Hark, Head of School
"The challenge before us is clear. As we have done at critical points in our history, we must once again make a significant investment in our future to meet the needs of the 21st-century learner and teacher. Greenhill 2025: Growing Stronger Together will strengthen and expand the central commitments of our school: to support academic excellence; to provide world-class facilities; to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion; and to strengthen our communal bonds.""
Holland P. Gary, '93, Board Chair
"The result of the work of many in our community is a plan that preserves the heart of the Greenhill experience while evolving our school in ways that will better serve our students and create greater connections between our community members. This plan starts from the solid position we hold today and provides a roadmap for us to grow even stronger in the years ahead."
Mission, Vision, Core Values
Greenhill’s tradition of vigorous self-inquiry extends to all aspects of the school. As our world changes, so, too, must the language we use to articulate the aims of a Greenhill education, our shared values, and our expectations of one another. As a part of our recent strategic planning process, we clarified our mission and vision statements and core values to better describe our aspirations for our school. The results of that work honor our past and allow us to face the future with greater clarity and focus.

"I’m excited that our new mission statement reflects the true joy that’s here on campus every day in just about every interaction we have with each other."
Joel Garza, Upper School English Teacher
"Our vision starts with the student, then the school, and then the world. This interconnectedness is what I love about the vision statement."Albertina Cisneros, Greenhill Parent
Greenhill 2025: Growing Stronger Together
Based on feedback from a community-wide survey and analysis and input from five task forces, the Strategic Planning Committee identified four areas of strategic focus for Greenhill.
Strengthen Our Commitment to Academic Excellence
We will push the boundaries of academic and teaching excellence and redouble our commitment to innovation and creativity in our educational practices.
Additional investments in our educational program will help create an environment where knowledge expands and skills can be honed, where interests are explored, and where excellence can be pursued. That investment includes a much-needed revitalization of our STEM facilities, which will be designed to foster innovative thinking, inter-disciplinary work, collaborative teaching and learning, and hands-on experimentation.
Prioritized Strategies
- Identify, articulate, and promote best teaching practices
- Establish and encourage consistent standards of performance
- Strengthen and expand the system of faculty professional growth
- Examine the system of faculty compensation and create additional rewards to incentivize outstanding performance
- Expand efforts to recruit faculty from underrepresented groups
- Create additional leadership opportunities and pathways to leadership for faculty
- Prioritize and incentivize professional development focused on faculty collaboration, team-based curriculum development, and innovative teaching practices
- Pursue horizontal and vertical curricular alignment
- Improve culturally competent instruction in the classroom
- Launch a capstone experience for every graduate that includes meaningful off-campus experiences
- Strengthen the partnership between Greenhill and the surrounding Dallas communities
- Integrate service learning into the curriculum more fully
- Design and construct Science & Innovation Center to house Middle and Upper School science, math, engineering, technology, and robotics programs
- Evaluate instructional technology program and areas for expansion and further investment
- Re-envision and design science curriculum and programming
Develop the Whole Student
We will prioritize the emotional and physical health of our students and the development of each student’s strengths with the goal of building balance, confidence, and empathy.
Students today are more connected and have access to more information than ever before, yet the levels of stress and mental health challenges continue to increase. By bolstering the parts of a Greenhill education that support social-emotional and physical wellbeing, character development, and empathy for others, we will equip students with the skills to live healthy, balanced lives.
Prioritized Strategies
- Implement a comprehensive, integrated, PreK-12 student mental health and wellness curriculum
- Develop additional parent programming
- Enhance equity in curricular content
- Cultivate teaching and learning systems that can deliver a more inclusive curriculum
- Explore additional opportunities for students to develop physical fitness and athletic skills
- Integrate core values into curriculum, divisional gatherings, and community-wide events
Build a More Connected Community
We will build a united Greenhill that values connectedness, pursues a common purpose, promotes active engagement, and celebrates the unique contributions of each individual.
Creating a truly inclusive school requires building connections between all members of the community. Creating opportunities for people to come together, both planned and serendipitous, will strengthen our community as we unite around our shared goals and aspirations.
Prioritized Strategies
- Identify new ways to engage community members
- Position parent/guardian affinity groups to affirm participating families and enhance the broader community
- Develop new opportunities for alumni networking and involvement
- Craft a strategic plan for equity and inclusion
- Cultivate skills in school leadership and all employees to embody and inspire equity and inclusion across the school
- Provide opportunities and resources for families as they grow on their individual journeys with diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Create additional gathering and learning spaces to facilitate formal and informal interactions that strengthen connectivity between community members
- Consider adding spaces like a coffee shop/cafe to provide opportunities for community building and collaboration
- Update landscape master plan and modernize landscaping to enhance campus design and improve wayfinding and security/li>
Plan for and Invest in Our Financial Sustainability
We will steward our resources wisely, invest strategically, and plan carefully for long-term organizational health.
Greenhill enjoys tremendous financial strength and stability. Thoughtful financial planning and strategic infrastructure investments will ensure that students for generations to come will benefit from the robust experience that our community values.
Prioritized Strategies
- Individual classroom/advisory sizes remain optimal
- Faculty-to-student ratio remains unchanged or smaller
- New or remodeled facility built to accommodate additional enrollment
- Increase enrollment only in Middle and Upper Schools
- Prioritize current families in financial aid processes
- Investigate alternative ways to allocate financial aid funds
- Expand and invest in Advancement Office infrastructure
- Augment existing named endowments and solicit new ones, fund named endowment positions, and pursue planned or deferred gifts
- Explore more ways to generate revenue from Greenhill’s existing resources and facilities
- Optimize space usage on campus to accommodate growth
Our Process
Strategic Planning Committee formed
Task forces created, chairs named, and members identified
Secured external consultant
Surveyed entire Greenhill community
Conducted focus groups and reviewed best practices and external benchmarking
Identified areas of opportunity and strength for Greenhill
Used strategic frameworks to identify and prioritize strategic goal recommendations
Approved strategic goals recommended by task forces
Created recommended action plan for each strategic goal
Crafted Strategic Plan
Presented strategic plan for Board approval
Create and execute detailed implementation plans for each strategic goal
Special Thanks
Albertina Cisneros, Chair
Yasmin Bhatia
Joe Chu
Koshi Dhingra
Aaron Enrico
Holland Gary ‘93
Kendra Grace, COO/CFO
Lee Hark, Head of School
Rusty Jaggers
Marlo Melucci
William E. Rose ’85
Molly Fulton Seeligson ’60
Lori Whitten
Holland P. Gary ’93
Augusto Sasso
Board Chair-Elect
Roy S. Kim ’88
Assistant Chair/Secretary
Grace Smith
Finance Chair/Treasurer
Leslie Benners
Joe Chu
Albertina M. Cisneros
Megan (Baumoel) Considine ’97
Koshi Dhingra, Ed.D.
Aaron Enrico
David Fox
Louis Gennarelli
David C. Greenstone
Lee J. Hark
Head of School, ex-officio
Kenji Hashimoto
Jay Henry
Karlyn Herlitz
Zack Hicks
Joan Hill, Ed.D.
Rachel Ladin ’91
Lester Levy, Jr. ’79
Jet Li
Clayton S. Lougée ’03
Alumni Board President
Marlo Melucci
Rich Moses
Adriana Perales
David Podolsky
Tracy Rathbun
Jennipher Rice
PA President, ex-officio
Ashley Scheer
Hardeep Sehgal
Bruce Sostek
Bharti Subramanian, Ph.D.
Beth Thomas
Lori Whitten
Linda Wimberly
Bing Xie
Jeff Zlotky
Holland P. Gary ’93
Roy S. Kim ’88
Assistant Chair/Secretary
Grace Smith
Finance Chair/Treasurer
Leslie Benners
Yasmin Bhatia
Joe Chu
Albertina M. Cisneros
Koshi Dhingra, Ed.D.
Aaron Enrico
David Fox
Lauren Goodman ’04
Alumni Board President, ex-officio
David C. Greenstone
Lee J. Hark
Head of School, ex-officio
Kenji Hashimoto
Jay Henry
Karlyn Herlitz
Zack Hicks
Joan Hill, Ed.D.
Rachel Ladin ’91
Jet Li
Marlo Melucci
Rich Moses
Adriana Perales
David Podolsky
Kaitlin Prieur
PA President, ex-officio
Tracy Rathbun
Jennipher Rice
PA President-Elect, ex-officio
Augusto Sasso
Ashley Scheer
Hardeep Sehgal
Bruce Sostek
Bharti Subramanian, Ph.D.
Beth Thomas
Clifford Weiner
Lori Whitten
Linda Wimberly
Bing Xie
Jeff Zlotky
Joe Chu, Co-Chair
Kendra Grace, Co-Chair
Leslie Benners
Amy DeBorst
David Fox
Susan Holmes
John Jaggers
Rachel Lorraine ’01
Sarah Markhovsky
Caroline Perel
Grace Smith
Lankford Wade
Michael Waldman ’98
Brent Wheelis
Yasmin Bhatia, Co-Chair
Trevor Worcester, Co-Chair
Megan Considine ’97
Tatiane Deibert
Jacobo Luna-Cruz
Doug Levy
Lizzbeth Melendez
David Muller
Michael Orman
Susan Palmer
Maggie Parry ’07
David Podolsky
Byron Sanders ’01
Karl Shaikh
Waverly Wilson ’86
Lori Whitten, Co-Chair
Jason Yaffee, Co-Chair
Greg Browne-Nichols
Koshi Dhingra, Ph.D.
Grant Herlitz
Treavor Kendall, Ph.D.
Shanti Majefski ’95
Lauren Marold
Terry Martin
Gretchen Pollom
Molly Fulton Seeligson ’60
Jarrett Shine
Michael Simpson
Krisan Swaminathan
Jeff Zlotky, Co-Chair
Kendra Grace, Co-Chair
Christy Blumenfeld
Aaron Enrico
Lauren Goodman ’04
Susan Holmes
E. Pierce Marshall, Jr. ’86
Scott Rosa
Augusto Sasso
Kerry Shea
Teressa Thomas
Mike Willis
Emily Wilson
Ken Wimberly
Marlo Melucci, Co-Chair
Tom Perryman ’81, Co-Chair
Karen Bradberry, Ph.D.
Amy Bresie ’96, Ph.D.
Becky Daniels, Ph.D.
Netra Fitzgerald
Toria Frederick
Joel Garza
Debra Howard
Rusty Jaggers
Caroline Kim
Kamini Mamdani
Youssef Oumanar
Kyna Shine